Ignoring the moral implications of stealing, in the game Skyrim, there are certain mechanics that prevent you from easily selling stolen items. Here are some frequently asked questions related to this topic:
1. You’re going to need access to a Fence if you want to sell your bucket-gotten gains.
The Thieves Guild provides access to Fences (after completing the 2nd quest). You might also be interested in the ‘Fence’ perk in the Speech tree. With these options, you can sell stolen goods to any merchant you have invested in.
2. Why can’t you sell stolen items in Skyrim?
Items with red names won’t show up during normal merchant transactions, and if a guard arrests the Dragonborn, all the stolen items in their inventory will vanish. To sell stolen loot, players will need to find a fence, and fences aren’t as easy to find as regular merchants.
3. Why can’t I sell anything in Skyrim?
Scroll to the miscellaneous section of your inventory. If the miscellaneous section does not appear or if it appears empty, then you cannot sell any miscellaneous items to that shopkeeper. If the miscellaneous section has visible items, that means the shopkeeper will buy those items should you wish to sell them.
4. How do you clear stolen items in Skyrim?
To remove the stolen tag from your items, place the desired stolen item (or items) in a container that allows you to “take” from it. Then simply order a follower to retrieve those items for you, and then trade with them. The stolen tag should be gone.
5. How long until you can sell stolen items in Skyrim?
At speech level 90, you can get the perk named Fence. This will allow you to sell stolen goods to any merchant that you have invested in.
6. [HD] Skyrim – How to Sell Stolen Items
Unfortunately, there is no information on this specific topic in the provided content.
7. Can I sell stolen goods in Whiterun?
Mallus Maccius will become the easiest way to offload stolen goods in the Whiterun area. First, you have to get him out of his job as owner Sabjorn’s put-upon assistant and into the management of the Honningbrew Meadery. Placing Mallus in authority is done through the ‘Dampened Spirits’ quest.
8. Is there any downside to stealing in Skyrim?
If you get caught in the act of stealing, you’ll have a bounty put on your head, and guards will try to arrest you. If you steal something successfully, you can only sell the item to Thieves Guild merchants, so it’s not a very effective way to make money early on.
9. Can I get my stolen items back in Skyrim?
Yes. You need to pick lock the evidence chest that is in the hold’s major city. If it is one of the bigger cities, like Whiterun or Windhelm, it will be in the jail near the guards.
10. Will I get caught stealing in Skyrim?
Stealing while detected will get you a bounty unless you kill the witness(es) quickly enough. You will also be much more likely to get thugs/assassins after you. Items that are marked “stolen” cannot be sold to regular merchants unless you have the fence perk and invested in the shop.
11. How to do the Skyrim sell glitch?
Click on the category of the highlighted item (under your name, not theirs) and drag your mouse (while holding down LMB) over the merchant’s item category that you wish to sell them. Press the action button (by default E) and release LMB at the same time, and you have successfully initiated the glitch.
12. Who has the most money to sell things to in Skyrim?
The Riverwood trader is the only person in the game that will have more than 4k gold, so if you are trying to sell big-ticket items and don’t want to settle for only getting a small percentage of what it is valued at, he is your only option.
13. Who is the best person to sell to in Skyrim?
1) All Thieves Guild Fences and Merchants.
2) Adrienne & Ulfberth Of The Warmaiden’s – Whiterun.
3) Eorlund Gray-Mane, The Blacksmith – Winterhold.
4) Oengul War-Anvil, The Blacksmith – Windhelm.
5) Beirand, The Blacksmith – Solitude.
6) Neloth, A Mage Merchant – Tel Mithryn.
14. Why can’t I sell my weapons in Skyrim?
Realize that each merchant has a limit to how many goods they possess for purchasing. They recharge their gold reserve every couple of days. The merchants in Riverwood have a small amount of cash on hand compared to other merchants. There are also limitations as to which goods they will buy.
15. Why am I selling items but not getting gold Skyrim?
If the vendor’s gold goes above 32767 (the internal 15-bit limit), then you sell items to them, you do not receive any gold (but will receive Speech experience). This is likely to trigger whenever you buy a lot of expensive items from the merchant (or high-level training) before selling your goods.
16. Do you lose stolen items if you pay bounty Skyrim?
When you pay a bounty, all of your stolen items will be confiscated. To avoid the hassle of stealing them back, store all the stolen items in your inventory inside a chest at home.
17. Does going to jail in Skyrim do anything?
If you serve your sentence in jail, you will lose skill experience (although not skill levels or character experience).
18. Can stolen gold be confiscated Skyrim?
If you are arrested while carrying gold that is marked as stolen, the amount of gold that is considered “stolen” will be confiscated.
19. How do I get my sold items back in Skyrim?
All items you sell to vendors stay with vendors, so if the item is that important to you, then yes, hunt down that vendor and retrieve the item. The only problem is that you’re going to have to pay a pretty penny to get that item back.
20. What should you avoid in Skyrim?
Here are some things not to do in Skyrim:
– Don’t spread your skills too thin.
– Never steal from a chicken.
– Don’t try to murder essential NPCs.
– Resist the urge to pick up literally everything.
– Don’t sell enchanted items.
– Don’t fight with the guards.
– Don’t store items in places you don’t own.
21. What does 90% to steal mean in Skyrim?
There is a maximum percentage chance to steal displayed in the game of 90%. The chance to successfully take something is always 90%, and the chance to fail is always 10%.
22. What happens if you wear stolen armor in Skyrim?
Guards only chase you if you have a bounty, so feel free to wear stolen armor – they won’t chase. However, if you have a bounty and get caught and pay a fine or