FPO. For Placement Only, “FPO” for short, is a graphic design term regularly used by designers when temporarily inserting a photo or graphic into a design or layout. Large, bold letters “FPO” are often placed prominently over the photo or graphic.Click to see full answer. In respect to this, what does FPO mean? for placement only One may also ask, what is a placeholder image? An image placeholder is a dummy image designed to draw attention to the need for an actual image. Wikipedia image placeholders were meant to be used on articles, especially those of living people, for the purpose of trying to obtain a freely-licensed image for them. Furthermore, what does FPO stand for in design? position only or for placement only What is Placehold?Place-Hold.IT is a server-side image rendering tool that allows web developers and designers alike to dynamically create images to be used as placeholders in a project. The only required parameter is a number for the image’s width.