Is Keegan Bradley related to Pat Bradley? Golfers relationship explored

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Keegan Bradley became the talk of the town after he won the 2023 Travelers Championship on Sunday, June 25. He clinched the trophy after carding a 3-under par 68 in the final round to finish with a total of -23. Keegan is a phenomenal golfer. He is the eldest son of Mark Bradley and the nephew of former LPGA Tour player Pat Bradley.

Keegan developed an interest in the game during his developing days. His father, Mark, is the head professional at the Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club in Jackson, Wyoming.

The Bradleys have a unique connection with golf and were named the "Golf Family of the Year" in 1989 by the National Golf Foundation.

Keegan Bradley after winning the 2023 Travelers Championship (Image via Getty)

Keegan Bradley was born on June 7, 1986, in Woodstock, Vermont. During his developing days, he was an all-state ski racer and only decided to pursue a career in golf during his teenage years.

Although he was born in Woodstock, Bradley spent a few years in Hopkinton and won the Massachusetts Athletic Association Division 2 state championship in 2004. He attended St. John's University and, after the completion of his degree, turned pro in 2008.

Keegan Bradley stepped into a professional career playing on the NGA Hooters Tour, where he won at the Southern Dunes. He then joined the Nationwide Tour, where he finished 14th on the money list and earned a PGA Tour card in 2011.

All about Pat Bradley, aunt of Keegan Bradley

Pat Bradley was born in Westford, Massachusetts, on March 24, 1951. She was the only daughter of Richard and Kay Bradley's six children.

Her father, a passionate golfer, inspired her interest in the game. Pat was involved in ski racing as a teenager, but she preferred golf over skiing.

Pat Bradley was a member of Florida International University in Miami and had a great amateur career, winning the 1996 New Hampshire Amateur and the 1972 New England Amateur.

She joined the LPGA Tour in 1974, the year she turned professional, and won her first tournament, the Girl Talk Classic, in 1976.

Pat Bradley at 2022 Insperity Invitational - Round Two (Image via Getty)

Pat Bradley is one of the LPGA Tour's most accomplished golfers. She has won 36 professional events, including 31 on the LPGA Tour and one on the LPGA of Japan Tour.

She had six major titles in her career. Surprisingly, she won three majors in the same year. Pat won the Chevron Championship, the Women's PGA Championship, and the du Maurier Classic in 1986.

She did, however, come sixth at the US Women's Open, just missing out on the grand slam that year. Her nephew, Keegan Bradley, on the other hand, has won only one major event, the 2011 PGA Championship.

After being diagnosed with Graves' disease in 1988, Pat Bradley struggled with her game but thankfully recovered to form in 1989, winning the Al-Star/Centinela Hospital Classic by one stroke over Nancy Lopez and Hollis Stacy.

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