Harry Reeder Dies In Dunnavant Valley Car Accident, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, PCA
The Reverend Harry Reeder III, a senior pastor at Briarwood Presbyterian Church for many years, was killed in a Shelby County collision on Thursday morning at 10:01 a.m. on Dunnavant Valley Road close to Dunnavant Place, Alabama.
Harry Reeder Age
He was 75 years old.
Reeder’s car collided into the back of a dump truck that was stopped to make a turn, according to the authorities. Shelby County Coroner Lina Evans verified that Reeder was declared dead at the site.
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Lina Evans, the coroner for Shelby County, verified that Reeder, 75, was declared deceased at the scene.
Since Briarwood’s founding pastor, the Rev. Frank Barker, retired in 1999, Reeder has been the senior pastor. Reeder’s promotion to senior pastor was overseen by Barker.
There are almost 4,000 regular attendees at this chapel.
Harry Reeder Wife and Children
Reeder leaves behind his wife Cindy, three children, and a slew of grandchildren. He was also a published author and a podcast host.
Reeder attended East Carolina University for his first year of college. After tying the knot, he dropped out to let his new bride finish her undergraduate degree in chemistry at UNC Charlotte.
Reeder completed his undergraduate degree at Covenant College in 1974, four years after leaving East Carolina University to follow a call to the ministry and attend the graduation of his wife.
Harry Reeder Biography or Wikipedia
Harry L. Reeder III received a DMin and an MDiv from the Reformed Theological Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary, respectively. He serves as lead pastor of Birmingham’s 4,000-member Briarwood Presbyterian Church. From Embers to a Flame is another book that he wrote.
He started pastoring an Independent Bible Church in the Chattanooga region after earning degrees in both history and the Bible. During his six years of service, he attended Tennessee Temple Seminary on a part-time basis.
Reeder eventually settled in Miami, where he serves as pastor of the Pinelands Presbyterian Church. He attended Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia and the Florida Theological Center in Miami to earn his Master of Divinity. In his two and a half years as pastor, he increased attendance at Pinelands Presbyterian Church from 50 to over 400.
Reeder was called to serve as the first pastor of the Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, in the month of February 1983. From its humble beginnings with only 38 devoted members, the ministry has seen its Sunday morning worship attendance soar to well over 3000.
Harry Reeder Obituary
Harry Reeder’s Obituary will be released by his family and it will be updated here on our website so check back for more informations as the story unfolds.
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