You can’t get rid of something you can’t see, and Warzone has seen invisibility glitches in many different forms but this new one is certain to catch you by surprise and frustrate players.
Warzone has its fair share of new issues when it comes to bugs and glitches, but invisibility is an old friend for many players.
The game has seen invisibility nearly every season and it has had an impact on the way things are added into the game. One of the latest versions allowed players to go invisible and undetected, which creates a huge disadvantage to players obvious to this glitch.
This new bug will have you wondering if your weapons are actually from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Warzone has new invisibility “camo” for weapons
Warzone has been haunted by this latest glitch that prevents players from being able to see their gun while they have it equipped, which basically translates to players holding air while roaming Verdansk.
Players have been reporting that when they drop in their starting weapon, any ground loot weapon, and loadout classes are not showing on their screen and they are left with just their hands.
Guns are invisible/not loading from CODWarzone
There have been some players saying that it takes a couple of seconds for their gun to load in, while others suggest it has something to do with your graphic settings.
It’s unknown at the time what causes this to happen but not all players are letting this glitch hold them back from dominating Warzone.
‘RevelatioN21SIX’ on Reddit posted an insane clip he hit while this glitch was affecting his loadout, proving that this new glitch doesn’t ultimately hinder your in-game performance.
Is this considered a no scope if the gun hasn’t loaded yet? from CODWarzone
His gun hadn’t loaded in quite yet but that didn’t stop him from killing an enemy on a roof. However, you see that after a few seconds his gun model does pop up on his screen and he takes down another opponent.
It’s clear that this isn’t to be considered game-breaking but can definitely hurt your chances in a gunfight if you have to wait a couple of seconds for your gun to load, so you can see your crosshair and reticle.