basically, to start off with, adam is in a world of dreams and revere. an impossible world, far beyond ours.
he's describing how insignificant it is. he is making this place sound exciting, beautiful, insignificant, amazing, and anything beyond our world. almost like the description of what could be heaven. it sounds nothing like our own world.
he's describing how tired he was that one night, which made it hard for him to stay awake. he's having a sleepover with someone in their backyard, then he is saying how they woke up buiried by a fruity landslide. but this didn't worry them, they just continued to have fun with it and laughed histarically. and then a strawberry avalanche crashes over them.
he's saying how he can't see hope because it's on the back of his eyelids and in the galaxies. places where he cannot see it, and he rly wishes he could.
adam is also saying how he'd invite that girl to this amazing world and create harmony together and sing together, in that perfect world. adam is describing more of his world of perfection "candy coated clouds", which rly is sounding like a description of heaven, but it doesn't sound like anyone's dead...
he ends it by saying that the world is a world full of dreams and the impossible. it could be either a dream, his imagination, heaven, or what he thinks heaven looks like.