Get lyrics of If we go down we go down together song you love. List contains If we go down we go down together song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. Get known every word of your favorite song or start your own karaoke party tonight :-).
If we go down then we go down together. They'll say you could do anything. They' ll say that I was clever. If we go down then we go down together. We'll get ... KREWELLA LYRICS - We Go Down
Lyrics to "We Go Down" song by KREWELLA: If we go down We all go down together If we go down, down, down We all go down together I'm backing... ROBIN SCHULZ LYRICS - Titanic
Yeah, I need a way to make it work. I remember you said. If we go down, we're going down together. If we go down, we're going down together. Titanic Titanic Emma Ruth Rundle - Run Forever lyrics
... we need If we both get caught then we'll run forever If we both go down we go down together If we both get caught then we'll run forever If we both go down ... CHIODOS LYRICS - New Thought Movement
Oh you know that they're trying to get us. If we go down we go down together, forever you and I. The black hounds are gonna try to find us. Where will we go? Titanic Lyrics - Robin Schulz
Full and accurate LYRICS for "Titanic" from "Robin Schulz": So if we go down we' re going down together, If we go down we're going down together, Titanic, If ... BLESSTHEFALL LYRICS - Last Ones Left
Lyrics to "Last Ones Left" song by BLESSTHEFALL: If we're going down, we all go down together. And that's the way it is. And I know we'll stay like... ALL TIME LOW LYRICS - A Love Like War
Feels like war, war. We go together or we don't go down at all. We go together or we don't go down at all. We go together or we don't go down at all, whoa Go Down Together Lyrics - Film School
Full and accurate LYRICS for "Go Down Together" from "Film School": We can run there together, We can go down together, We can run there together, We can ... ELI LIEB LYRICS - Young Love
And if we go down with this ship. We go down together. And if we should die tonight. It's you and me forever. Forever you and I Together until we die. And I'll be ... BILLY JOEL LYRICS - Goodnight Saigon
And we held on to each other. Like brother to brother. We promised our mothers we'd write. And we would all go down together. We said we'd all go down ...

A thousand men can't hold me down. Oh my baby and I Two hearts, but one in denial. Oh my criminal love. If I go down, we go down together. And I don't care ... KALEO LYRICS - Way Down We Go
Lyrics to "Way Down We Go" song by KALEO: Oh, father tell me, do we get what we deserve? Oh, we get what we deserve And way down we go Oh, wa... FILM SCHOOL - GO DOWN TOGETHER LYRICS
We can go down together. We can run there together. We can go down together ... If we run there together. Will we go down together? We can run there together

We could write our names here in the mud / No one's around to see them / We ... Lets go down together. Down together. Down together. Together. We could all ... WE GO DOWN TOGETHER - PARIS LYRICS
They'll say that I was clever. If we go down then we go down together. We'll get away with everything. Let's show them we are better. We were staying in Paris EMMA RUTH RUNDLE - RUN FOREVER LYRICS
If we both go down we go down together. If we both get caught then we'll run forever. If we both go down we go down together. Just as soon. Just a force like you

Lyrics to 'Way Down We Go' by Kaleo: 'Cause they will run you down down to the dark yes and they will run you down down 'till you fall and they will run you.

Feels like war, war. We go together or we don't go down at all. We go together or we don't go down at all. We go together or we don't go down at all, whoa. Krewella - We Go Down Lyrics
Krewella We Go Down Lyrics. We Go Down lyrics performed by Krewella: If we go down We all go down together If we go down Down. 4 Ever Lyrics - Method Man
Whatever, see if it go down, we go together. Like Twix bars, ain't no problem that we can't fix, ma. You ain't gotta sugar my tank, or key the kid car. Cuz broken ... ROBIN SCHULZ - TITANIC LYRICS
If we go down, we're going down together. Titanic Titanic Try to make you laugh for days. And none of it worked for days. Said you would love me always. But we ... EMIN - Any Time You Fall Lyrics
... you realise One more time If you fall then I fall We go down together If I call if you call Baby come whatever Now Cos I know just what you want And I know just ... DREEZY LYRICS - Up & Down
Lyrics to "Up & Down" song by DREEZY: Why you be givin' up on us, like you don 't know all the shit ... We go up and down, we go up and down (up and down) JEWEL LYRICS - Stay Here Forever
Baby, let's go. If you wanna rock, I'm ready to roll. And if you wanna slow down, We can slow down together. If you wanna walk, Baby, let's walk. Have a little kiss, B.O.B LYRICS - Lovelier Than You
Hand in hand down a golden road. And if I get there before you go. I'll be waiting at the door. In the future hopefully. We'll be be together, you with me. Don't you ... SHE WANTS REVENGE LYRICS - Up In Flames
We should be careful because the canyons scream as the valley sleeps at ... Cause if the city's goin' up in flames then we oughta go down, down, down together. TIM VANTOL - IF WE WOULD KNOW LYRICS
Album: If We Go Down, We Will Go Together. Heyo! ... Goddamn if we would only know. ... We should listen to their stories, we should watch where we go.