Nima Mumeni’s wife is being sought after his arrest, following the linkage to Bob Lee’s murder suspect. Here’s what you need to be aware of.
Nima Mumeni is a Californian IT consultant, entrepreneur, and business owner. According to his Linkedin profile, Momeni is the owner of Expand IT, Inc. since April 2010.
Momeni has worked as a consultant for Diablo IT, SPOC, and other companies. He has also worked as an IT Consultant/Administrator at Coast Range IT.
Momeni was a System/Network engineer at Marfic from 2005 to 2007. Momeni has also been in the news following his arrest, after being linked to Cash App founder Bob Lee and Executive of cryptocurrency firm Marfic.
People are looking for answers to a variety of questions about Momeni, especially his personal life. We’ve covered this in detail below.
Who is Nima Momeni’s wife?
Nima Momeni’s wife’s identity is not revealed in the tabloids, despite reports to the contrary. There is also not much information about Nima’s marriage.
We cannot say how long Nima has been with his partner. Nima has only recently gained media attention following his arrest.Nima Mumeni, the alleged killer of Bob Lee is a man who is married. However, his name is not available.
After his arrest, many people are concerned about his romantic life. Officials will certainly reveal more information about Momeni.
Nima Mumeni Children and Family Life Explorated
Nima Mumeni, as mentioned above, is married and could have started a family together with his partner. We do not know if Momeni is a father or not.
Their names were not released to the media either. A lack of information prevents media outlets from obtaining details about the family.
Nima is also unknown. However, we do know that he has an older sister named Khazar. She is reportedly married to Dino Elyassnia.Khazar Elyassnia, Nima’s sister and Dino Elyassnia, her husband at the Hall of Justice.
Khazar’s partner, a prominent plastic surgeon in San Francisco, is also a member of the Khazar family. Her brother’s court case has also brought her to the forefront. Khazar and her husband were in court when her brother was before a judge.
She also cuts a pretty picture indoors with her blonde locks and Yves Saint Laurent shades.
What is Nima Momeni ethnicity?
Online portals claim that Nima was raised and born in a family of Americans. Nima Momeni also lived in Emeryville – a small town between Berkeley and Oakland.
According to reports, Momeni could be of Iranian descent, as he speaks Persian , an important Middle East and Central Asia language.
Akash Sawhney who worked with Nima once told The Chronicle that he was a Zoroastrian. Zoroastrianism, an Iranian religion, is one of the oldest managed faiths in the world. It was founded on the teachings of Zoroaster, a prophet who spoke Iranian.Khazar Ellyassnia, the sister of Bob Lee’s alleged murdererNima Mumeni.
Many online sources have stated that Momeni could be of Iranian descent. As he was already arrested, more details will be available soon.