Justin Bieber says he had two reactions when nude photos of the singer went viral earlier this month

First, he was offended.
"My first thing was like … how can they do this? Like I feel super violated," Bieber told Access Hollywood of the shots that were snapped while he was on vacation in Bora Bora.
"Like, I feel like I can’t step outside and feel like I can go outside naked. Like, you should feel comfortable in your own space … especially that far away."
It’s true. Bieber was on vacation at the time with Jayde Pierce, a model who probably saw him naked on her own later that night (intercourse-wise, we mean).
Second, Bieber got defensive.
"That was shrinkage for me," he also told Access Hollywood.
Wow, really, JB?!? If so, consider us extra impressed.
Because, as you can see below, Twitter was quite blown away by Bieber’s size where it matters most for many guys… if you know what we mean:
Justin Bieber Naked: Twitter Reacts!
VIEW GALLERYAfter these controversial pictures were printed by The New York Daily News, Bieber hired a law firm to send the newspaper a cease-and-desist letter.
It demanded all naked Justin Bieber photos be removed from the publication’s website within 12 hours and added:
"We recently became informed that your company has obtained and is distributing unauthorized photographs of our client including images showing him without clothing."
This is the World Wide Web, of course, however.
The pictures were removed by The New York Daily News, but if you search for them… you can find them.