Ashley Schofield
Ashley Schofield: Who is she?
Leo and his second wife Crissie Carter, who had first met when the former probation officer volunteered to teach life skills at his prison back in 1991, are the proud parents of Ashley Nicole Schofield. After she began to believe his claims of innocence after hearing his narrative, digging up the court records, and thoroughly analyzing everything, they had grown closer before getting married in 1995. A few years later, the couple happily adopted their daughter, who is still a “big daddy’s girl” despite the fact that he has been behind bars her entire life. Ashley also believes he is innocent.
When asked about their relationship, Ashley responded to ABC’s “20/20” that “music is absolutely something that [my dad and I] share.” I believe that our similarity to one another is a result of our shared love of music. Thus, it should not come as a surprise that she has been interested in Leo’s case ever since she was a teenager. In 2016, she even went so far as to stand in front of the parole board to support him, but to no avail. Leo was still imprisoned, but Ashley was still hoping he would be set free soon. “I’ve been training for the Olympics…we’re going to travel to the 2020 Olympics together,” Ashley said, but it also didn’t happen.
Read More: Where Is Leo Schofield’s Dad? Is He Still Alive?
Today, where is Ashley Schofield?

Ashley Schofield
Ashley is steadfast in her belief that her father did not murder his first wife, Michelle Schofield, despite the passage of time and numerous fruitless attempts to have him cleared of all wrongdoing. Leo’s rule to “tell the truth even if your voice shakes” and the fact that he has always instilled in her the importance of honesty during their visits to the prison have also evidently played a part in all of this. Because of this, it obviously pains Ashley that she can’t just call her father up and be in his company like the majority of people can, but she is genuinely happy to have him in her life, if only in a limited way.
Sometimes I just want to contact him or have a conversation with him, you know? Never forget that I adore my mother. However, Ashley admitted on “20/20,” “Man, I wish I had my dad. As for her present status, based on what we know, the athlete is now a proud partner and mother who welcomed her son Genesis Arthur into the world in late 2020. She is also, it appears, no longer just a daughter. We wish the Florida resident from Fort Myers all the happiness and peace because she is genuinely connected to her complete family.
Read More: Crissie Carter, Leo Schofield’s Wife, Is She Missing?