What Is Eleanor Neales Net Worth? Age, Boyfriend And Merch

May 2024 · 10 minute read

British-Ukrainian YouTuber Eleanor Neale’s net worth is approximately $2.08 million.

She is known for making content about true-crime stories. She is one of the most successful YouTubers in the true crime genre of the channel. One of the reasons why is because of the breadth of her videos.

The YouTuber pumps out two weekly videos, each of which is at least an hour long.

Though she has faced some backless over how she acts in her videos, her fans far outweigh her detractors, and even they can’t deny how successful she is. With over 2.4 million subscribers on her channel, Neale has surely amassed a fair amount of income from her YouTube career.

Though the Youtuber has not publicly mentioned her earnings, she has a sizeable net worth, and just from the views her videos make, one can glean that she must be living comfortably.

Quick Facts About Eleanor Neale

January 24, 1999
Yorkshire, England
London, England
$2.08 Million
True Crime
2.4 Million
2017 – Present

How Much Is Eleanor Neale’s Net Worth?

Eleanor Neale is a British YouTuber who has a net worth of $2.08 Million as of 2022.

As mentioned above, she is one of the most successful true-crime Youtubers on the platform. What separates her from the more popular ones is that she runs her channel by herself, with the help of a small team of editors.

She started her channel on March 28, 2016, and started posting in 2017. She only made Makeup videos on Youtube for the bulk of her first year.

She posted true crime content from 2018 and deleted all her makeup videos from the previous year. She has found much success in the true crime genre and has been making videos on the topic since 2018.

As of the writing of this article, she has amassed 2.4 Million subscribers, and the highest video on her channel has 5.9 Million views.

The five most viewed videos on her channel are:


Neale’s content is more consistent than most other Youtubers. Though her view count doesn’t go higher than the 5-6 million range, almost all of her videos reach or surpass a million views.

Of the 215 videos she has uploaded on her channel, all but 24 have reached or surpassed a million views. With consistency like that, it’s not hard to imagine how she racked up a net worth like hers.

What Are Eleanor Neale’s Sources Of Income?

Despite her many subscribers, Eleanor Neale makes money from various sources.

However, all of these sources have to do with her Youtube career. The first is through AdSense.

AdSense is how Youtube pays its content creators for the content they upload on the website. After taking its cut, the website pays $2-$12 per 1000 monetized views to any content creator from the UK, US, and Canada.

The way AdSense works, Youtube puts ads on the video. They get paid by the advertising company, and they then pay the content creators.

Due to this nature, the longer viewers watch a Youtube video, the more ads they watch, and the more money Youtube makes and gives its content creators.

Neale benefits from this nature of the business due to the nature of her content. As someone who makes true crime videos, it is a given that most of her viewers will watch all of, or at least a majority of, the video she puts out.

So, one can assume that Neale’s earnings sway more towards $12 than $2 in the above range.  However, she also has other avenues of earning income besides solely relying on Youtube’s AdSense. The first of these avenues is sponsorship.

Like many other YouTubers, Neale is sponsored by various companies, who pay her so she can advertise them to her audience. The most prominent of these sponsors is NordVPN which is often featured in her videos.

NordVPN is a VPN service that helps people change their IP address to that of a different country to get around any restrictions their country might have placed on their internet. NordVPN is a popular sponsor for many Youtubers, and Neale is no different.

She is also sponsored by a beauty company called Function of Beauty, which sells hair care and skin products. Unfortunately, Function of Beauty has come under fire recently due to hair loss complaints, among others.

Though these two are the most prominent, the Youtuber often brings out different sponsors and has no shortage of companies looking to sponsor her. Though she has not shared how much she makes off these sponsorships and paid promotions, one can assume that Neale is thriving no matter the amount.

Lastly, the Youtuber has merchandise that she sells through her website.

A Look At Eleanor Neale’s Total Earnings

Due to her many different income streams, it can be hard to calculate Eleanor Neale’s total earnings.

However, looking at her Youtube channel can show how much she has made so far. Neale has garnered 370,314,350 total views on her main channel so far.

If one was to calculate Neale’s total views against the pay scale that Youtube uses, she has made $4,443,772 from her main channel as of the writing of this article.

Of course, this amount comes from assuming that Neale has made $12 from each 1000 monetized views, which isn’t always the case.

It’s a glimpse into her actual income. Then there is Neale’s second channel. However, as it is a young channel and she hasn’t posted much on it, one can assume that she hasn’t made the same amount of money as her main channel on her second channel.

But then there are her sponsorships and merchandise sale. There is no way of knowing just how much Neale has made from her many sponsorships and merchandise sales. The amount she has earned from both adds to her career earnings. Judging from her social media, despite her young age, Neale has been able to travel freely and seems to live in a very nice apartment.

As such, one can assume that regardless of her total earnings, Neale is living a comfortable life through the money she has made, and that too at 23.

How Old Is Eleanor Neale?

Eleanor Neale is 23 years old and was born on January 24, 1999.

She was born in Yorkshire, England, but is of Ukranian descent. However, she has not mentioned which side.

She is not talking about her personal life is a common theme in her YouTube career. However, she has opened up here and there, just enough to make her fans feel like they are her family.

One of the biggest indicators of this is her orientation. Neale is bisexual, and in a June 2018 Youtube video, she came out to her very supportive mother.

She has recently created a second channel called “Eleanor,” where she has started vlogging and is a bit more open about her personal life.

She started the second channel on November 21, 2020, and has posted 14 videos on the channel so far. Neale posted the first video on the channel almost a year later, on September 18, 2021.

Since then, she has amassed 137K subscribers, and though she hasn’t matched the views of her main channel, with her highest-viewed video garnering 146K views, the channel is a hit amongst her fans.

One of the more popular segments of the channel is the Q&A videos she makes alongside the advice videos.

In these two segments, Neale opens up about her life and thoughts, which have become a hit with her fans. She also vlogs about parties, traveling, and, more recently, going to Disneyland. However, she is still not a completely open book, making people want to get to know her more.

Eleanor Neale Boyfriend – Is She Dating Jack Hodgson?

One of the things people are desperate to know more about concerning Eleanor Neale is if she has a boyfriend.

She hasn’t mentioned the names of any of the people she has dated. Still, the Youtuber has mentioned dating on her Twitter page, usually jokingly, so her fans know she has dating experience.

However, it is important to note that, as Neale is bisexual, she can have dated men and women. The Youtuber hasn’t talked about any of her relationships with women, and though she often talks about her bisexuality, the specifics of her orientation are as much of a mystery as her relationship history.

The YouTuber’s coyness has not stopped her fans from speculating about who she is dating, and they seem to have a sure answer. The one name that often pops up whenever the topic of Neale’s dating life is Jack Hodgson.

Jack Hodgson is a long-time friend of Eleanor Neale and someone she has called her best friend. He is also a Youtuber and goes by the name Hodgack and has 39.3K subscribers.

He started his YouTube channel on February 8, 2022, and has only made ten videos. Neale has shared each of these videos on her Twitter, which is why many of her fans believe that something is happening between the two.

Still, whatever the fans may think is all conjecture as neither Hodgson nor Neale has mentioned anything about dating. The most the two have stated is that they are friends, dear friends, and best friends, according to Neale.

Though Neale has been quiet about her dating history, she is slowly opening up to her fans on her second channel. Perhaps one day, she will let her fans into her dating history.

Eleanor Neale Merch And Shop

As mentioned earlier, Eleanor Neale sells merchandise and even has an online store where she sells it.

She often switches up her merchandise and sells different things or has themes. She is currently selling her Crystal Collection.

Here are the merchandises she is currently selling:

Neale’s merchandise is very popular among her fans, and one of the reasons why she switches up her collection so much is the high demand.

Does Eleanor Neale Have An Eating Disorder?

In recent years, Eleanor Neale surprised her fans by losing a drastic amount of weight in what seemed like a short time.

Going through her social media and videos, the YouTuber looks slimmer, healthier, and happier. This transformation has caused many fans to congratulate her and even look up to her amazing accomplishments.

Not everyone is so ecstatic as a small group of fans wonders if the Youtuber has an eating disorder. The reason why is that her weight loss seems drastic if one only follows her Youtube thumbnails.

She has been using the same image for her thumbnails for years, but in a recent video, she used a more recent image of hers in the thumbnail, which led to such speculation.

However, her videos show Neale’s transformative weight loss is more gradual and drastic. Rather than going from fat to slim in the span of a video, her body has changed slowly.

If one looks at two videos months apart, people would realize that she has lost weight. This mistakenness is precisely why speculation around her weight loss started after she changed the thumbnail and not before.

Though her fans have asked Neale about her weight loss ad nauseam, the most she has said is that she started living a healthier lifestyle.

So, there is another group of speculators that wonder what she did to make herself get so slim.

Regardless of all the speculation, backlash, and whatnot, what’s important is that Neale seems happier and healthier and is still making content that she loves.

As with her relationship history, perhaps Neale will spill the secrets behind her weight loss in her second channel one day. Until then, most of her fans can watch as she continues doing what she has always done.

Some FAQs

Why Did Eleanor Neale Start Making True Crime Videos?

She started making true crime videos after her make up videos didn’t make traction

Is Eleanor Neale Dating Anyone?

No, she is not dating anyone publicly

How Many Channels Does Eleanor Neale Have?

She has two active channels and one defunct channel
