Tony Khan is the boss in AEW, and you never want to upset the man who signs your paychecks. This was something that John Silver quickly realized when he pinged TK in the face with a mustard packet. To be fair, but it was all Chuck Taylor’s fault.
During A Shot Of Brandi, Silver revealed that Chuck Taylor got “annoying drunk” and started throwing mustard packets. The Dark Order member couldn’t let that stand, so he heaved a few back, but Chuckie ducked and Khan got some mustard in the face.
Silver was convinced his time in AEW was over. He said his goodbyes, but in the end, Tony Khan was cool about things.
“After the Jaguars football game, we were all hanging out. Chuck Taylor was drunk, of course. He has a level when he’s ‘fun Chuck Taylor’ and then he gets ‘really annoying Chuck Taylor.’ So, he’s taking mustard packets and pegging me with them. Of course, I’m like, ‘screw this guy,’ I start launching them back at Chuck, and then he ducks. I hit Tony [Khan] in the face with the mustard packet. Once that happened, I’m like, ‘Alright guys, nice knowing you, I’m done here. It was a good run.’ He actually wasn’t that angry. I almost started crying.”
John Silver has been able to take his spot in the Dark Order and gain some real attention because of his natural comedic timing. He really shines on Being The Elite as the Dark Order’s segments are often a cluster wit Mr. Brodie Lee maintaining his eclectic minions.
It’s a good thing Tony Khan wasn’t too upset about getting smacked in the face with a condiment. You can check out the whole video below.
Thanks to 411 Mania for the quote
Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.