Who Is Howtobasic? Here Are Facts About The Australian YouTuber

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Howtobasic has something other food Youtube channels don’t have; absurdity, messiness, visuality and weird cooking lessons that primarily feature eggs. The fascinating YouTuber thrives on teaching his subscribers some illusion of recipes that are better imagined than practiced. His ability to convey humor in his cooking tips usually without words has earned him colossal fame and critics alike who accuse him of not just wasting food but also of sharing confusing educational videos

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Who Is Howtobasic?

Howtobasic is a funny Australian YouTuber who never shows his face or speaks in his videos. He has also never shared personal information about himself but he launched his YouTube channel in 2011 and gained international fame for posting youtube videos of his destructive, messy cooking lessons usually using eggs which are normally disguised as how-to tutorials. His fame has spread across all his social media accounts like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

YouTube has no shortage of this kind of comedy skits and visual gags, but Howtobasic distinguishes himself for the way he presents his visual gags with captivating captions that would attract people looking to find real food tips and recipes. A few examples of his many videos include How to Make Eggnog, How To Make Giant Candy Canes, and How To Make Vegan Lasagna. Among his most popular videos are How To Put On Condom, How To Get A Baby To Sleep, and How To Survive  Shark Attack.

Here Are Facts About The Australian YouTuber

1. He Has A Deal With The Fullscreen Network

Howtobasic entered into a partnership with  Fullscreen network, American entertainment and global network which allows creative tools, consultation, and services to YouTube content creators and brands. According to the mysterious CEO of Howtobasic, he agreed to go into the contract because Fullscreen cares for their partners and doesn’t discriminate against people including those with egg fetish like him.

2. It Is The Best Australian YouTube Channel

As an engrossing YouTube channel that explores something very unique – funny food hacks and recipes, Howtobasic has grown to become the highest of any Australian YouTube channel catering to over 13 million followers. In that regard, it has also grown the YouTuber’s revenue accounting for a net worth of $2million as of 2018.

3. It Has Been Suspended Twice

While Howtobasic has garnered faithful subscribers, the YouTuber has been suspended twice in 2014 and again in late 2015 on assumed violations of YouTube policy on misleading contents. However, none of those suspensions lasted for up to a day.

4. He Loves Smashing Eggs

Everything Howtobasic cooks, whether it is grilled chicken or banana bread, he must have eggs in it. According to him, eggs are the oxygen he breathes and his only true friends. They are also the food he eats and everything he ever wanted. So eliminating eggs in his recipes is like taking out the air.

5. Running The Channel Is His Full-Time Job

When Howtobasic began the channel, he had a job but with a growing fanbase to consistently entertain, he resigned to fully concentrate on producing better content and absurdly lay better eggs, according to him.

6. It Takes Him Hours To Clean Up Each Mess

Howtobasic spends at least an hour to clean up each mess and has spent up to three hours cleaning up after his “How To Make Bread” video. It can take a couple of hours depending on how much egg smashing he does in the video.

7. Height

A lot of questions remain unanswered about the real face behind Howtobasic. Just as it is almost impossible to unravel his educational background and personal things concerning him, his height is not known as well. Details about his general physical looks are also scarce but it is believed that he is 5 feet 9inches tall.

8. His YouTube Skits Inspired Him To Open A Poultry

For the love of eggs and his egg-throwing performances, Howtobasic opened his own poultry.

7. He Works Too Hard

Howtobasic ensures his subscribers don’t ever run out of funny videos. As a result, he keeps them busy with steady visual gigs. Once, he created a hundred videos in a single day.

8. He Faces Criticisms

While Howtobasic has subscribers running in millions, he has also been criticized for food wastage. Some have come to his rescue stating that he uses expired food from the grocery store.

Also, each of his videos depicts him as an angry person who finds fun in smashing any objects that he could lay his hands on like eggs, fishes, electronics, brushes, banana, chicken, among other things which don’t sit well with some YouTube users.  However, his channel keeps growing with over 13 million YouTube subscribers who watch every video he shares as of 2019.
