What is the Cost of Hiring Jewish Matchmaker Aleeza Ben Shalom?

May 2024 · 4 minute read

As a premier matchmaker, dating coach, soulmate clarity expert, public speaker, and author, Aleeza Ben Shalom has honestly done wonders to help those in her community find lasting love. After all, the Orthodox Jew not only facilitates serious matches for her clients, but she also offers them sound advice at every step to ensure their happiness rather than her fleeting success. We say “fleeting” because her job is ceaseless and thus one of the hardest in the world — there’s a failed or two pairing for every success, plus she receives new inquiries nearly every single day.

Nevertheless, as clarified in Netflix’s ‘Jewish Matchmaking’ — a spin-off to the polarizingly popular ‘Indian Matchmaking,’ helmed by Sima Taparia — Aleeza enjoys each aspect of it to the core. She even derives from her own personal experiences, logic, as well as tradition to help clients deal with their affairs, making it no surprise she’s currently considered one of the best in her field. So now, if you wish to learn precisely how to enlist the services of this globally hailed “Jewish Dating Guru,” along with how much it would cost in total, we’ve got the necessary details for you.

Can Aleeza Ben Shalom Be Hired?

Although Aleeza admittedly never had career aspirations despite having pursued a Bachelor’s in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Pittsburgh, everything turned around in 2011-12. That’s because the married mother was desperate for “some adult interaction,” driving one of her friends to suggest she utilize her incredible social skills to explore matchmaking as a profession. It was on a whim when the homemaker subsequently looked into it, yet it sparked such a fire that she ended up obtaining certifications and taking courses before launching her own business.

Marriage Minded Mentor has hence been in existence since 2012, and it aims not just to stick two people together but also to guide them toward true bliss through aspects of personal coaching. The truth is mentoring after matchmaking was a rather organic step for Aleeza as most people tend to forget a relationship is simply choosing your person over and over and over again.

Even back then, the professional facilitator recently revealed, she “wasn’t just matchmaking. I was coaching. I was supporting. I was [my clients’] everything. I was their best friend who happened to be a matchmaker, and started guiding them through the process.” The fact she thus has mantras like “When in doubt, go out” and “Date ’em till you hate ’em, or marry ’em” is no surprise.

However, it’s imperative to note that even though Aleeza’s work is ideal for anyone — whether single, divorced, or widowed — she exclusively takes those who identify as Jewish as clients. It doesn’t matter if you’re secular, minimally observant, “flexidox,” traditional, or orthodox; as long as the cultural aspect of Judaism is in your being, the matcher and her team will work with you.

Cost of Hiring Aleeza Ben Shalom

From what we can tell through Marriage Minded Mentor’s official website, the cost of enlisting Aleeza’s services is definitely on the higher end owing to the personal touch she always provides. Coming to the specifics, if you’re merely looking to get an idea of what the perfect person for you seems like, you can sign up for her Soulmate Clarity package at $997 — this includes a 90 minutes one-on-one session, a report, as well as a 45 minutes follow-up.

On the other hand, if you’re seeking Aleeza’s matchmaking, well, this begins at $1,000 per suitor she brings forth, yet it could go up to $8-9,000, depending upon your specific requirements. You can always join her company’s database for free through the website, but you’re going to have to pay if you want to get any further in her services or courses — there’s Mystery In Your History at $37, Dating Detox at $97, and 40 Days of Connection at another $97.
