Emily Hardisty Obituary – Death: Air Force Senior Airman, Emily Hardisty Died From Cancer
Emily Hardisty Obituary News: On July 21, 2023, senior airman Emily Hardisty of the United States Air Force passed away. She was 25 years old. The cause of her death was ovarian cancer.
He pronounced it “good to go” and gave her the all-clear. Her medical records indicate that the urine tests did detect developed cancer cells, but she was not notified of this or kept under observation.
After a couple of days, Emily finally called in sick. She was so distraught that she was having trouble breathing. She tested negative for the virus but was diagnosed with CoV by medical professionals.
Later that day, a fellow Airman took Emily to the emergency hospital because she was having problems breathing.
After noticing a tumor forming on the side of her neck, the attending doctor concluded that she had “acute tonsillitis.” She ultimately left the hospital after receiving fluids and antibiotics through an IV.
Her MSGT requested that she take a physical fitness exam in July 2021 despite the fact that her sickness was getting worse and she was missing more work.
Emily failed each of the activities, and she concluded the exam by spitting up copious amounts of bile and blood. She was sent to the Bassett Army Hospital in Fort Wainwright, Alaska, for a CT scan later in the month of July, five months after the commencement of her initial symptoms.
A few hours later, Emily discovered that a 10-pound tumor was growing from her left ovary. The woman underwent surgery after a number of days, and it was discovered that she had advanced (stage 4) ovarian cancer that had spread throughout her body.
Her cancer returned after receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatment, and it kept spreading throughout her body. She finally gave in to it.
Who is EMily Hardisty?
Emily Hardisty reported to the 354th Medical Group Clinic at Eielson Air Force Base on February 9, 2021. During the appointment, the doctor in charge of her treatment performed a straightforward urine analysis.