A GoFundMe has been started to raise money for Dakota Skye’s funeral. Dakota was found dead on June 9.
“It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that we are setting up this memorial fund for Lauren Kaye Scott,” the fundraiser says.
According to the fundraiser, Dakota will be transported across the country for the funeral. So far, $12,830 has been raised.
“We are currently working on funeral arrangements but find that it is more expensive than we could have imagined and are struggling to find funds to help cover the cost,” the fundraiser says.
“No one expected the loss of this beautiful soul so early in her life. In order to arrange funeral services, Lauren will need to be brought across the country to her final resting place so that her immediate family can join in a celebration of her life,” it goes on.
This post first appeared on Thesun.co.uk