Poem "A Nigger in Heaven" University of Richmond Race & Racism Project

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read


Poem "A Nigger in Heaven"


The title of this poem uses a derogatory racial slur to describe its main character. The narrator of this poem relays the time he saw a black man in heaven. This black man is dressed in "crimson satin things" with "golden teeth" and with "jeweled fingers;" he is dressed in riches, yet also in a stereotypically tribal manner. This man is grinning as "a grave white man" performs labor "at his feet."


Booth, L.S. "A Nigger in Heaven." <em>The Messenger</em> LVI, no. 6 (May 1930): 11. University Archives, RG 24 Student Publications. Virginia Baptist Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia.Virginia Baptist Historical Society, The Messenger 1920
