Abrams is doing fine and working as the television anchor for various shows. In 2003, the host got identified with cancer and got free from the disease after medical treatment. His health condition was worse eighteen years ago, and he is fit and healthy in the present situation.
Although the host faced difficulty in his early period, he kept it private. Abrams shared the story about the late Seam Kimerling and made people aware of the issue. The author shared their private matter about his testicular cancer for the first time.
Additionally, the media personality Abrams had never talked about this matter except to his few friends and family members. He said he is lucky to be survived cancer. The host is cancer free and feels good to be so. After knowing the death of the Kimerling, he said she had detected its early symptom, and they may have talked about the disease privately.
Moreover, Dan noticed the phase of his cancer in Mexico in 2003. After the medical suggestion with an internist George Lombardi, he told him he might face 60 to 70 percent testicular cancer. Nonetheless, the host got diagnosed at the time and survived the situation.