How old is Jelani Nelson? When is Jelani Nelson's birthday? Where is Jelani Nelson born? Where did Jelani Nelson grow up from? What's Jelani Nelson's age?
Jelani Nelson Born: 1984 (age 39years), Los Angeles, CA
How about Jelani Nelson's h_index?
Jelani Nelson H_index: 27
How about Jelani Nelson's education?
Jelani Nelson Education: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2011), MORE
How about Jelani Nelson's awards?
Jelani Nelson Awards: ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award (2022), MORE
How about Jelani Nelson's nationality?
Jelani Nelson Nationality: American
How about Jelani Nelson's affiliation?
Jelani Nelson Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley
How about Jelani Nelson's academic advisor?
Jelani Nelson Academic advisor: Piotr Indyk, Erik Demaine
How fast does Jelani Nelson type?
Prof. Jelani Nelson TF: Jeffrey Yan.
Where is Jelani Nelson from?
Prof. Jelani Nelson TF: Jeffrey Yan.
Who teaches advanced algorithms at Harvard?
Prof. Jelani Nelson TF: Jeffrey Yan.