Pine trees need more water in the hot summer months, less water in the spring and fall, and little or no water in the winter.Click to see full answer. Keeping this in consideration, can pine trees be overwatered?Roots need oxygen to survive, but overwatering your pine tree will drown it. Air pockets in the soil fill with moisture, and the roots are unable to “breathe,” leading to death of the tree, if the problem is not corrected quickly. Overwatering your pine can kill it as quickly as allowing it to go thirsty.Beside above, how many gallons of water does a pine tree need? The rule of thumb for established trees is 10 gallons of water for each inch of the tree’s diameter. Moreover, how often should you water a pine tree? A pine tree does not need constant watering unless it is freshly planted, in which case it needs water two to three times a week for a year. Fully grown pine trees capture most of the moisture they need in their soil. Fully grown pine trees only need to be watered during extreme dry spells.How do pine trees get water?The pine tree can actually absorb water through the needles and transport the water to the roots. Some pine trees have this ability and others do not.